Paul Swailes

Paul Swailes Contemporary Seascapes and Landscapes
I have lived on the North Devon coast since 1986 and taught both Geography and Art at The Ilfracombe Academy for several years before leaving in 2014 to pursue my passion as a full-time artist.
I am a self taught artist, with an academic background studying Geography at University. I feel my understanding of geology, physical geography and metrology really helps me understand what is going on around our coasts. The seascapes I create are inspired by the rugged coastline, big skies and Atlantic breakers around the North Devon coast.
I have always been interested in the processes which shape the world in which we live and always felt painting or drawing a scene helped me understand what was going on.
I mainly use acrylics and work extensively from photographs. I love walking the coastal path and always take my camera with me. I take loads of photographs and my paintings end up being an amalgamation of several images, may the sky from one the waves from a second and rocks from a third. The finished paintings are therefore more an attempt to capture the dynamic feel of the elemental forces at work rather than a literal representation of a specific place. That said a number of well know landmarks such as Baggy Point do figure regularly.
Please contact me for more information or follow me on Instagram to keep up to date with my latest projects.
Instagram; paulswailes.artist Email: